Our Services

足彩外围网站的学生参加了学位课程和某些专业课程,可以使用学生健康中心(SHC)的服务(参见 Eligibility for details). 大多数基本服务都是免费的, 一些基本服务和专业服务收费合理. 服务费可以现金、支票或网上支付.

In-Person and Telehealth Support


CONTACT: 323-343-3300

HOURS: Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 5:45 p.m. & Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
周末及大学假期休息. 在学期休息和课间时间可能会有所不同.

LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS:为英语水平有限或没有英语水平的学生提供口译服务.

Patient Privacy, Rights & Responsibilities

法律要求学生健康中心保护您的健康信息隐私,并向您提供隐私实践通知. 该通知涉及所有识别您的信息, 支付给你的医疗费用, 我们如何保护您的个人和健康信息的隐私, 以及我们在健康信息方面的法律义务和隐私实践. 我们在法律上必须遵守本通知的条款. 

Notice of Privacy Practices


As our patients:

  • 你可以告诉我们,我们在努力提供尽可能最好的卫生保健方面做得如何.
  • 我们要求您通过承认您的权利和遵守您的责任来参与您的护理,以帮助我们为您提供最好的护理.


Basic Services

  • 基本门诊服务,包括疾病和损伤筛查、诊断和/或治疗服务
  • Family planning services
  • First aid
  • Preventive medicine
  • 转介到校外医疗保健提供者和医院
  • Reproductive and sexual health care
  • Select physical exams (e.g.,运动,就业前,基于项目)


Available Immunizations and Fees*
Immunization Cost per Dose
Gardasil-9 (HPV) | 3针系列 $250
Hepatis A (Series of 2 injections) $65 
Hepatitis B (Series of 3 injections) $45
Menveo (Meningococcal) $115
M-M-R II (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) $85
Tdap(破伤风、白喉、百日咳|伤害相关) $0
Tdap(破伤风、白喉、百日咳/加强剂,非伤害相关) $45
Typhim Vi (Typhoid Vi) $115
天花(水痘/水痘| 2针系列) $160

*Note: Fees are subject to change.

进行实验室测试以支持临床护理和治疗. 某些实验室测试是免费的.g., urine pregnancy tests). 其他测试收费合理(如.g., chem panel, HIV and STD testing). 下面是一个常用的实验室测试的样本.


Free of Cost Lab Tests

CBC w/ Differential
Urinalysis with Reflex to Microscopy
Glucose (In-house test)
H. Pylori (In-house test)
Mono Screen (In-house test)
Pregnancy Test, Urine (In-house test)
Strep A Screen (In-house test)
Urinalysis (In-house test)


Lab Tests with Fees


Blood/Rh Type $6
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel $3
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoeae, Probe/Urine $40
Hemoglobin A1C $5
HIV 1/2 Antigen & Antibody $10
Iron Total $8
Lipid Panel $8
QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus $48
RPR w/Reflex Titer $4
Sickle Cell $6
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone $6
Vitamin D $15

*Fees are subject to change


  • Over-the-counter medications (e.g.(过敏和感冒药,维生素)
  • Prescription medications


Example Medications and Pharmacy Fees*
Over-the-Counter Medications/Tests Prescription Medications
Daytime Cold and Flu ($2.09) Amoxicillin 500mg, 20 capsules ($3)
Econtra Emergency Contraception ($30) Bactrim DS, 6 tablets ($3)
Ibuprofen 200mg 24 tablets ($1.08) Cephalexin 500mg, 20 capsules ($3)
Loratadine 10mg, 30 tablets ($1.85) Fluconazole 150mg 1 tablet ($3)
Pregnancy Test ($2.42) Triamicinolone 0.1% cream 15mg ($3)

*Note: Fees are subject to change.

No-cost X-rays include:

  • Basic diagnostic X-rays
  • Chest X-rays to identify tuberculosis

Health Education

健康促进和教育中心提供包容性服务, 基于证据的健康和健康项目涵盖了一系列的大学健康主题. 

Visit Health Education


  • Comprehensive nutrition assessment
  • Meal planning and review
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Sports nutrition
  • 补充推荐和优化

Mental Health


Visit CAPS

Reproductive & Sexual Health

  • Barrier and hormonal contraceptives
  • Birth control pills
  • Condoms
    • External/male condoms
    • Internal/female condoms
  • Depo-Provera
  • NuvaRing
  • Spermicides (available upon request)
  • Emergency contraception
    • Ella
    • Plan B

  • 计划生育和避孕咨询教育
  • Cervical cancer screening
  • Contraceptive evaluation
  • Pregnancy testing
  • 妊娠选择咨询和教育

计划生育获得护理治疗(Family PACT)是加利福尼亚州的一个项目,提供免费的计划生育和相关服务, including free contraceptive methods, emergency contraception, and STI testing.


  • 家庭PACT申请和客户资格认证
  • No-cost birth control methods, family planning, 及相关服务(适用于家庭资助计划合资格学生)

注:家庭PACT是一个可选项目. 不属于家庭PACT项目的学生接受计划生育, birth control methods, 及相关服务,收费合理(如适用).

要查找您附近的参与供应商,请使用 Family PACT Provider Search Tool.

See If You're Eligible

DISCLAIMER: These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Cal State LA of any of the products, 公司、组织或个人的服务或意见. 足彩外围网站不对准确性负责, 外部网站或后续链接的合法性或内容. 与外部站点联系以获得有关其内容的问题的答案.

  • Breast exams
  • Cancer screening
  • Counseling and education
  • HIV testing
  • Medication abortion
  • Pelvic exams
  • Referral services
  • 性传播感染(STI)检测和治疗
  • Testicular exams
  • Wellness visits and exams

Specialty Services


按摩护理由洛杉矶按摩学院实习生提供, supervised by a licensed chiropractor. The clinic offers:

  • Spinal adjustments
  • Treatment of low back and neck problems
  • 练习姿势、动作、柔韧性、耐力、力量、平衡和协调


Initial Visit$10
Follow Up Visits$5

*Fees are subject to change



  • Half-hour and hour-long acupressure
  • 禅宗指压和晋心柔术按摩课程
  • Sessions for employees


30-Minute Sessions$15

*Fees are subject to change


Licensed optometrists offer:

  • Complete refraction
  • Glaucoma screening
  • Eye health evaluation
  • Single vision and bifocal lenses
  • Frames
  • Standard and disposable contact lenses


General Eye Exam
General Eye Exam$45

*Fees are subject to change

Contact Lens Exam
First-time  Contact Lens Exam$120
Current Contact Lens Wearer Exam$75

*Fees are subject to change

“和平战胜暴力”为经历过性暴力和/或家庭暴力或受到其影响的学生提供支持, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, etc.).

校园倡导者为学生提供保密的、免费的校内支持. Visit Meet with an Advocate for details.

(Temporarily unavailable)

The clinic’s licensed dentist offers:

  • Consultations
  • Dental x-rays
  • Limited cavity treatment and fillings
  • Oral examinations
  • Teeth cleaning
  • Written evaluations
  • Referral services

(Temporarily unavailable)

通过学生健康中心CAPS或医疗提供者的转诊,可以获得基本的精神病治疗. Psychiatric services include:

  • Psychiatric evaluations and therapy
  • Medication management
  • Referral services